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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

hack1's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Tuesday, 2 February 2016; Thursday, 4 February 2016; Tuesday, 9 February 2016; Thursday, 11 February 2016 Hi, I'd like to meet up with a lady or nice couple for a few drinks and a chat.
If it leads to anything more than that, then it would be great.

RE:hack1's Quick Meet

Or I could come to you - if you would prefer. Xx

RE:hack1's Quick Meet

Let me know what night you'd like to meet. X


really would like to be your friend pls get back to me

Call me

just call me dear

RE:hack1's Quick Meet

How about meeting in Witherspoon's at 7pm. Come and have drinks & a chat. Xx


im looking for some fun :) are you up? hit me!


I'd love to, but you're a bit far away. X


I'd love to, but you're a bit far away. X