6:23 am Thursday, 28th January, 2016
Event dates: Saturday, 30 January 2016; Sunday, 31 January 2016 Dogging oral sexy fun car parks and lay-bys |
7:05 am Thursday, 28th January, 2016
Location?Where? |
8:48 am Thursday, 28th January, 2016
RE:Shantel0's Quick MeetDo you know where the little rest place is just as you come off the M4? |
2:48 pm Thursday, 28th January, 2016
RE:RE:Shantel0Hiya babe xx . Is this actually gonna happen?? . Phil xxximg src='imagesadultemoticons018.gif' ?? |
1:14 am Friday, 29th January, 2016
RE:Location?Hi dear. Nice to see you here. Here for friendship. If you likes then reply. Here is one simple,honest, trustworthy ,loving person. Hate scamer and cheaters. |
5:22 am Friday, 29th January, 2016
RE:RE:Location? truro on 23febPlease it my birthday email me |
12:46 pm Sunday, 31st January, 2016
meet upwhere |
3:30 pm Sunday, 31st January, 2016
RE:RE:RE:Location? truro on 23febanyone there?? |
5:19 pm Sunday, 31st January, 2016
RE:Shantel0Hi sweetie I would love to meet up with you but I'm working away from home at the moment so can I get back to you when I get back home in about 9 days time? |