12:05 pm Friday, 22nd January, 2016
Date start: 25.01.2016 Date END: 27.01.2016 Naughty experienced fun guy in London quality hotel Monday and Tuesday night--looking for couples and women to play!
6:45 pm Monday, 25th January, 2016
LondonLet me know if you get a couple or hotwife to play with as I'm not too far from that hotel img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" |
6:50 pm Monday, 25th January, 2016
London hotel funHow do you know which hotel i am in ??? |
7:32 pm Monday, 25th January, 2016
hotelIt mentions it in your original post - isn't that near Wembley? |
7:47 pm Monday, 25th January, 2016
RE:hotelAm in Regent street..no idea where you got the Wembley idea?