Home > Forums > Looking for Meets Now (CD / Trans)

This Forum is A. Not so good, B. So disappointing I may be sick, C. Just the biggest pile of misdirection and abstraction of hope that can exist when one lies to those with some hope of being accepted

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I just feel that this whole website is a lie to make some people money and that ultimately it is a lie. Fake posts that say there is someone out there when we all know it is not true. Raising hopes with false posts just to realise that these people don't exist and they will never return our posts. What can I say. If you are out there looking for someone who accepts you and cares for you as who you are then please do not depend on this site but best of luck. Wish you well.

RE:This Forum is A. Not so good, B. So disappointing I may be sick, C. Just the biggest pile of misdirection and abstraction of hope that can exist when one lies to those with some hope of being accepted

I totally agree it is just like you say. A profile will pop up, you send a message and nothing happens. Then they pop up a month later then gone again. Like the last man said