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giving a woman oral

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How can a guy protect himself from getting an STI when giving a woman oral?

Re: giving a woman oral

well... and correct me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure someone will lol) this is my interpretation of this topic....
There is no known method of totally protecting yourself from the transmission of STD's, such as gonorrhea, herpes or HIV during oral sex. Although the risks of transmitting something are very low, there is still a risk as with all exchanging of bodily fluids, whether a barrier is being used or not.
Obviously the risk decreases if a women is not menstrating and if a woman does not "swallow" when practising oral sex on a man.
I suppose it is a matter of personal preference and you need to ask yourself if you are prepared to put yourself at that risk?

Re: giving a woman oral

The risks of oral sex are Chlamydia, Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Herpes and HIV if there are cuts or avrasions in the mouth.
There are several ways to protect yourself from STI's when giving oral sex, some seem a bit bizarre but they do work.
Cling film over the vaginal area works apparently but there are other such devices as dental dams and 'Licks' and latex squares. Also a condom cut in half works. A decent barrier cream will also help prevent an STI from genital to mouth.
Hope this helps for starters
img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

Re: giving a woman oral

correct me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure someone will [unquote]

I'm just too damn good at predictions lol

Re: giving a woman oral

Very interesting thread thank you.

For your own safety and the safety of others you must take time out to realise and read upon (this thread is great for this) just what could havppen and how you can slim down your chances. Especially those singles that are meeting others behind there partners back as you dont want a std and then explain to the other half why heshe has to go to the doctors aswell as they will have to or you will both just pass it on and off to each other.

Do some home work and prepared.

Thanks for all the information here.

Re: giving a woman oral

Your photo is so interesting - you have to tell me what it is about.... Very fun! img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

Re: giving a woman oral

Do you think most of the people who say they are "safe sex always" are conscious of these issues with oral sex?

I'm not sure whether to trust more those who say "always" because at least they claim this even if it might not be strictly true, or those who say "sometimes" or "tell you later" because they may be more aware and honest?

So far, I've been thinking to trust the "always" ones more, but now I'm not so sure? And it's a fact that unprotected oral just feels so much better, so what to do?

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