8:00 am Saturday, 24th June, 2006
How can a guy protect himself from getting an STI when giving a woman oral? |
10:22 am Monday, 26th June, 2006
Re: giving a woman oralwell... and correct me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure someone will lol) this is my interpretation of this topic....
3:04 pm Monday, 26th June, 2006
Re: giving a woman oralThe risks of oral sex are Chlamydia, Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Herpes and HIV if there are cuts or avrasions in the mouth.
1:43 pm Wednesday, 28th June, 2006
Re: giving a woman oralcorrect me if I'm wrong (which I'm sure someone will [unquote] |
12:15 pm Saturday, 29th July, 2006
Re: giving a woman oralVery interesting thread thank you.
2:25 am Friday, 11th August, 2006
Re: giving a woman oralYour photo is so interesting - you have to tell me what it is about.... Very fun! img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif" |
11:19 am Sunday, 27th May, 2007
Re: giving a woman oralDo you think most of the people who say they are "safe sex always" are conscious of these issues with oral sex?