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neelrose123's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 28 November 2015; Sunday, 29 November 2015; Monday, 30 November 2015; Tuesday, 1 December 2015; Wednesday, 2 December 2015; Thursday, 3 December 2015; Friday, 4 December 2015; Saturday, 5 December 2015 Hi Guys,

Lets make Nepal swingers community wherein we can meet whenever we feel like without any awkwardness.

Nepal Swingers Community

Dear neelrose123, wat a brilliant idea of Nepal Swingers community, I agree with u and would like to be the part of it, I know being single, u guys may not accept me as a member............Just let me know whatever your decision is.

GigoloNepal ..

Chill bro .. dont worry .You giving emotional attachar. you will get in .. everyone will .. couple or single .. but we need to get trusted ppl around not like that ,, So it will take a lil time for us to unite and understand .. no Hurry .. NeelROse123's Guys have fun ,, :)

great idea..

the worst part of this great idea is safe place.. how about renting a good place for a over night party? some of the members have place but too bad they are single..
i know some furnished apartment who rent their apartment for a night.. what say?

RE:great idea..

Hi guys..

Let's first confirm all the xenuine couple from Nepal or Kathmandu and than we can plan it about places.. Meetings and fun.


Dear bro, thank u so much for ur time in replying back to my notification, well I know the rules here, so I am not into hurry at all n neither giving emotional attyachaar.....and I have met few members here on this wonderful site and as per the rule I have maintained the privacy and will always follow that and soon I am gonna have a partner.



If you have good reference than share with us ...lets make whats app group where we all swingers can chat at the same time.

suggestions and feedback are always welcome

yap ..Not bad

Not a bad idea .. cpl whom we know and trusted can be added .. i got four cpl i knw and can trust ..Two are pending ahhahaha for trust .. ya i will get back to u soon with this

deeipegiri broo

Good u maintain things .. Congratulation for the partner man ..happy for u .. but was i talking to u ?? .. didnt u see the title GigoloaNepal.. or deeipegiri and GigoloNepal is the same guy .. Or daju bhai .. No intention of hurting feeling was just a gustier ..of emotional Attachar ..ahhahaha. take care bro have fun


As of now we are not planning for single dudes...

If anything in future we will keep u posted..


No couples

Hi guys..

Seems like we hardly have swinger couple in Nepal...

With this kind of response we hardly can make community over here.... Dissatisfied...

Thanks guys for your support

RE:No couples

we want in. but we r nt experienced n scared.

Excitedly Interested

I'm very excited to meet such couples, girls and guys in a community. If a party, more than welcome. It would be great to have fun with you guys while I am here in Nepal.

RE:RE:No couples

Hi guys sanisuni

Everything will be first time....
If u guys have made your mind for swinging than u don't have to get scared...

Regarding privacy... That's why we are planning to make only swingers couple so that everything will be among us only.
But the kind of response we got it's disappointing.. Let's see now how it goes.

RE:neelrose123's Quick Meet

we are couple , new to this, where does the even happen?