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couplepunefb's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 8 November 2015; Monday, 9 November 2015; Tuesday, 10 November 2015; Wednesday, 11 November 2015 planning for a vacation to bangalore between 11th to 16th of nov during diwali. open to wine dine srsp soft swap and full swap.

I am interested

I am from bangalore,single age-26,let me know interested

RE:couplepunefb's Quick Meet

I'm a engineer in Bangalore.. I'm interested

RE:I am interested

thts cool text us we wil b in blore frm 10 to 16

RE:RE:I am interested couple punefb

Hello I'm interested too meet u people if u do u can contact me.

For all females in bangalore

Hi females I'm a single male in Bangalore as engineer..I want to fuck females very hard..I like females having nice assest like boobi ass n VVV..n also I can fuck minimum of 30min n give a maximum pleasure to the female..n also interested in Anal sex..all Kamasutra sex position I'm aware of I can do that also in a super way...if any females interested plz contact me..only genuine people....for all females..


i am visiting Pune ... perhaps you can have a quick meet before your Bangalore holiday...

RE:couplepunefb's Quick Meet

I can host you guys on 13th and 14th..

RE:couplepunefb's Quick Meet

whr you guys will stay in your visit to bangalore


Flying B'lore on 10th evening and flying back on 16th night. Care to talk if interested?

Lemme drop you a mail with my contact details. Check and revert if interested.


I mam interested.

Dear CouplePunefb

I am interested to join the event on 11th or 12 at Bangalore. Kindly reply with terms and conditions.img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif"

RE:couplepunefb's Quick Meet

Hi pls inbox ur travel plans and contacts details do that we can chat