5:13 pm Wednesday, 21st October, 2015
Event dates: Friday, 30 October 2015; Saturday, 31 October 2015 Hi all we are in Birmingham for the weekend . So get in touch if you want to meet up for drinks and fun . |
10:11 pm Wednesday, 21st October, 2015
RE:coulpedelight's Quick MeetHi, I would love to meet you guys. I am in birmingham this week end as well. Young muscled stud with long sex drive. Check me out and let me know where you want to meet. x |
6:35 am Thursday, 29th October, 2015
coupledelights quick meetHi id love to meet up for a drink n maybe more if you like although im another single male so sadly not the couple your looking for let me know if I can be of use . |
3:38 pm Saturday, 31st October, 2015
RE:coulpedelight's Quick Meetim not far away can happily come over and help you out