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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Cplcplcpl1's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 21 October 2015 Hi I am Bobby looking to meet for a drink. All welcome. Group chat and see where it goes.
Good to get a few couples and females to attend

RE:Cplcplcpl1's Quick Meet

Event dates: Wednesday, 21 October 2015 Hi I am Bobby looking to meet for a drink. All welcome. Group chat and see where it goes.
Good to get a few couples and females to attend

Hi Lizbrian did you get the message and details. Looking forward to seeing you both there. x

RE:RE:Cplcplcpl1's Quick Meet

Yes got details thanks, we will be there, looking forward to it! x

RE:Cplcplcpl1's Quick Meet

Hey guys hope your well. Just wondering if it's just for couples and single ladies or if i may be able to attend. Had a couple of reviews put on my profile which will show I'm genuine. Hopefully hear from you soon. Take care

Meting tomorrow night

Sounds like we are having a great night planned . There is going to be four to five couples and a single male as well as me. Pity no other females would like to join us tomorrow in Glasgow. Should be an exciting night for all. Bobby xxx

RE:Meting tomorrow night

Where is it going to be and what time