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Silliest thing you've done for a laugh??

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Ok, time to fess up - what's the silliest thing you've done just for a laugh... at somebody else's expense...

Back when answering machines actually had tape in them and most people didn't know to limit the length of a message... I once called a friend and filled up their machine with a single 60 minute message. Now, I'm telling you it was a total pain in the @$$ since it did have the mechanism to detect more than 7 seconds of silence to disconnect the call.

I have to say though, that it was all worth it when they called me laughing and yelling that they were surprised that they only got one phone message that day... and then started to listen... and listen... and fast forward... and listen... and fast forward... apparently, it took 20+ minutes to figure out that I had filled the whole thing!

Re: Silliest thing you've done for a laugh??

As a kid of about 8 or 9 I went to a christmas party for the children of a large local company's employees. It was an annual event, and as usual the firm's canteen was filled with tables containing more than enough jellies, cakes and ice cream to feed a small army, complete with cardboard plates and platic spoons. Parents were not present, save for a few volunteer helpers.

About half-way into the party, the girl next to me stated that she couldn't manage her individual ice cream portion and offered it to me. I duly accepted - I had an idea, and it didn't involve eating the stuff. Holding the plastic picnic bowl in my right hand in the same way a shot putter might hold a shot, I announced to the rest of the table that the ice cream was available to anyone who wanted it. As luck would have it, a rather chubby boy sat directly opposite almost jumped out of his seat as he greedily volunteered. "Me, Me! I'll have it," he shouted, or words to that effect, and with that I let him have it.

Bullseye! You simply would not believe the amount of mess it made, and far more satisfying than any custard pie I had ever seen thrown on television. There followed what must have been 2 or 3 seconds of stunned silence - it seemed much longer - as everybody stared, open-mouthed in disbelief. Pandemonium then ensued.

Wiping the substance from his eyes, the chubby boy picked up a jelly and threw it back at me - I had the presence of mind to duck, and the wall behind got it instead. With that the rest of the table joined in, followed by the other tables and before long the air was thick with cake, custard and quiches. Two hundred children all throwing trifles, sandwiches and blancmanges at each other, while three or four adult volunteers tried in vain to restore order. For the record, I didn't get hit once, not even with a sausage roll.

My father kept a low profile at work for a long time after...

Re: Silliest thing you've done for a laugh??

Ah, but back in those days, they had Tim, the speaking clock. Very easy to fill up my mates answering machine with an hours worth of "at the third stroke, the time sponsored by accurist will be.....". Obviously using the firms phone! Ah, the fun.....