3:49 pm Monday, 28th September, 2015
Event dates: Saturday, 3 October 2015 Are in a hotel the 3rd of october in rojales. Maybe we can meet for a drink. And who knows |
9:18 pm Tuesday, 29th September, 2015
Your meet ! XHiya guys. Are you still up for drinks on Saturday. Kind regards from Vera playa. |
10:27 am Friday, 2nd October, 2015
RE:SanyF's Quick MeetLove to meet both of youimg src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif" |
1:20 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015
Your Meet!Lovely people, but what Hotel in Rojales are we talking about? Ray x |
4:08 pm Saturday, 3rd October, 2015
RE:Your Meet!Hi. Don't know as I never got a response to the two messages I left. |