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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

goldhawk's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 3 October 2015 London Fetish Weekend!
''London Alternative Market & Fashion Show''
Euston, 12-6pm
Retail therapy for Kinksters!

If you fancy meeting up for a social drink then.....

Send us a message and we can arrange a meet at the bar. It's a very sensual place to spend and afternoon, lots of stalls & an informal and non-pushy environment.

Meet up

Will be going

RE:If you fancy meeting up for a social drink then.....

Would like to meet up

RE:RE:If you fancy meeting up for a social drink then.....

When and where guys???

I'd like to find a discreet mistress to dress up for x

Slim ..I'm very athletic ..cuckhold X 46 Islington


This will be nice to catch up to meet & have drinks x

If you fancy meeting up for a social drink then...

Please can you send the address details and time. I would like to attend.
Best regards