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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

next2none's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 23 September 2015; Thursday, 24 September 2015; Friday, 25 September 2015; Saturday, 26 September 2015; Sunday, 27 September 2015; Monday, 28 September 2015 My Caucasian Friend is coming over on the 22nd and we're looking for a single ladiy or a couple to hang out and have fun with.

Time of Meet

Our time is sorta limited but we're free around late evenings if possible.


Hallo next2none. Sounds interesting.If you want, we can chat on the 19th since it seems that we'll all be attending the same event (Manila Hot Wife's event).

Also, is your Caucasian friend male or female?

RE:next2none's Quick Meet

can a single guy join the event

please read

Unfortunately. We're looking for ladies or couples... We already have single guy lined up if ever we need one.

RE:please read

Hallo again, next2none. It seems the September 19 event was cancelled. We can communicate here instead.

Anyway, we may be available on September 25th or 26th. We'll get back to you.

Pardon us for clarifying: is your Caucasian friend male or female?