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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

UKBenidormCouple's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 22 August 2015; Sunday, 23 August 2015; Monday, 24 August 2015; Tuesday, 25 August 2015; Wednesday, 26 August 2015; Thursday, 27 August 2015 Wife available for dogging any night near Benidorm. Inbox if interested.


Hello , will be nice to meet you any of these nights!!!!!

Dogging summer night

Hi Couple,
It'll be great to give her the attention she deserves and have a nice time all together. Best nights for me: Monday 24th or Tuesday 25.

play in the parking

hope in the parking 9pm :D

RE: jugar en el aparcamiento

They did not attend the meeting

RE:RE: jugar en el aparcamiento

Some people change their mind usually!!!
Not serious!!!!

RE:RE: jugar en el aparcamiento

They did not attend the meeting

We never arranged to meet you nor have we even communicated with you about a meeting. We have no idea what you are talking about so please don't suggest that we are time wasters. If we make arrangements with someone, we would never let them down. We have exceptional feedback. No contact has been made with you and nothing was arranged.

As for the others who replied, we have received quite a few messages to our in box and will reply in due course in the hope of arranging something :)

RE:RE:RE: jugar en el aparcamiento

Some people change their mind usually!!!
Not serious!!!!

We didn't change our mind as we never arranged to meet him. We didn't even speak to him so we have no idea what he's referring to.

We did receive your email though and we are about to reply to it now :)

RE:RE:RE:RE: jugar en el aparcamiento

Ok , good to know!!!
Sorry about that!!!

RE: RE: RE: jugar en el APARCAMIENTO

if we stayed another year at the station, and ask friends made me a meeting, then just silence and made me look bad ...


Ellos no asistieron a la reunión

Nunca Organizamos conocerte ni hemos siquiera se comunicó con usted acerca de una reunión. No tenemos idea de lo que está hablando por lo que no recomendamos que somos pérdida de tiempo. Si hacemos arreglos con alguien, nunca defraudarlos. Tenemos retroalimentación excepcional. No hay contacto se ha hecho con vosotros y nada se arregló.
En cuanto a las otras personas que respondieron, hemos recibido algunos mensajes bastante a nuestro en caja y le responderemos a su debido tiempo, con la esperanza de arreglar algo :)