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Party in Angeles City (Field Avenue)

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Date start: 19.09.2015 Date END: 19.09.2015 We are hosting a pair of parties on Sept 18 and 19. These parties are for mixed couples only and there are a two spots left on each night. All three confirmed couples are experienced swingers and most of us have played together.

We have hosted (and organized) 7 parties and we have a firm understanding on how to do it successfully and have a lot of fun as well. The organizational part is probably the hardest. We need to see clothed full body pics (recent ones, and we will reciprocate) and if you guys look like you will fit in we will pass the actual meet information on.

The evening will play out as follows. We meet up at a local bar on Fields Avenue at 21:00. We have a few drinks, socialize, and then the ladies decide if they want to go to the suite early or another bar for dancing. At the very latest we are back in the suite by midnight.

Common drinks will be provided, and condoms, but if you want some Trojans or need a larger size bring your own. If you want to drink something like wine, you will need to bring it. Beer, Water, Juice, Vodka and mixes are what is provided as well as some snacks.

Once we are back to the suite, everyone cleans up before the actual fun starts. It is jarring if your the last guy out of the washroom and there are naked bodies everywhere getting it on. No playing in the bathroom, people will want to use it for what it was designed for. It sounds like we are being picky, but it has happened to us.

The fun will continue to around 03:00, it should wrap up by then.

If your interested in attending, or would like additional information feel free to post here or send us a PM. If you need hotel information feel free to ask as well, we know some good hotels to stay while your in Angeles City.


We do know some couples will be upset that it is for mixed couples only, but there are a few couples that confirmed that will only played mixed only. We (as PhilHappy) have played with Pinoy couples and look forwar

Attending the Party

The party is full. Any other couples that are interested i attending at a later date feel free to message us.