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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

rahulseema2015's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Sunday, 23 August 2015; Sunday, 30 August 2015 interested to meet with nice genuine couple at any restaurant


HI Dear,

let me know the location pls


only married couple

RE:rahulseema2015's Quick Meet

Hey guys fancy meeting for a meal any where in Hyd and lets see how we get on . Going to forum mall to kick 2 at 10 am if u are up for it .

RE:rahulseema2015's Quick Meet

pl let us know if ur intrested in us , let me know the location

meet up

can u come in bhubaneswar odisha


we are interested in meeting
we are travelling to hyd, will stay in hyd for this weekend.

let us know the details !!


we are interested in meeting
we are travelling to hyd, will stay in hyd for this weekend.

let us know the details !!