7:47 am Wednesday, 29th July, 2015
Date start: 04.08.2015 Date END: 08.08.2015 FOR LOCALS ONLY (ILOILO AREA), Unless you are able to travel.
4:36 am Tuesday, 4th August, 2015
RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet PartyDate start: 04.08.2015 Date END: 08.08.2015 FOR LOCALS ONLY (ILOILO AREA), Unless you are able to travel. |
9:11 am Tuesday, 4th August, 2015
RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet PartyLove it |
9:55 am Tuesday, 4th August, 2015
RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet PartyWhere is the exact place here in iloilo? |
1:48 am Wednesday, 5th August, 2015
RE:RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet PartyFull na migo. Sorry. Next time. :) |