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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet Party

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Date start: 04.08.2015 Date END: 08.08.2015 FOR LOCALS ONLY (ILOILO AREA), Unless you are able to travel.
Discreet Pre-selected Party for undisclosed number of persons. First come, first reserved a spot. Ratio for guys and girls will be equal so to maintain preferences.
No payments required. No IDs. Just a playful spirit and an open mind. Drinks will be provided, so are raincoats (condoms).

- Take off watches when inside the room, surrender in room counter.
- Cellphones will be gathered as soon as you enter the room.
- 5-hour stay, max. 2-stay minimum.

RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet Party

Date start: 04.08.2015 Date END: 08.08.2015 FOR LOCALS ONLY (ILOILO AREA), Unless you are able to travel.
Discreet Pre-selected Party for undisclosed number of persons. First come, first reserved a spot. Ratio for guys and girls will be equal so to maintain preferences.
No payments required. No IDs. Just a playful spirit and an open mind. Drinks will be provided, so are raincoats (condoms).

- Take off watches when inside the room, surrender in room counter.
- Cellphones will be gathered as soon as you enter the room.
- 5-hour stay, max. 2-stay minimum.

Event Full. Thank you for participating.

RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet Party

Love it

RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet Party

Where is the exact place here in iloilo?

RE:RE:Iloilo Meet-up and Drink Discreet Party

Full na migo. Sorry. Next time. :)