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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Sex Party in Multan

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Date start: 25.07.2015 Date END: 25.07.2015 on saturday it will be a sex party for couples, only bottom gay single males allowed...

would love to

inbox details please img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

RE:Sex Party in Multan

really looking up for it. can i get some details please


hey there

hey there.
what happened to the event? I know i probably put you off being a single male, but i was looking for something else. and to be honest, you guys look the cleanest on AdultHub. I am still in Pakistan till december and would like to have frequent communication. I understand the privacy and discreetness and truly respect that.

I am quite sure i wont be that boring for you guys if you let me buy you drinks tomorrow at Events at 8
