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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Cplyyz's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 18 July 2015; Sunday, 19 July 2015; Monday, 20 July 2015; Tuesday, 21 July 2015; Wednesday, 22 July 2015; Thursday, 23 July 2015; Friday, 24 July 2015 party at our place, max five couples including us, we already have 1couple. Anyone interested, please contact us. You must be a full swap couple.


May I attended with u?

RE:Cplyyz's Quick Meet

May I attend?

RE:RE:Cplyyz's Quick Meet

Hey there!! We are interested. Please let us know the procedure

RE:Cplyyz's Quick Meet

Hi! I'm interested to attend the party. If I'm allowed then let me know in details please? I'm sajib and ritu's friend.

RE:Cplyyz's Quick Meet


Event cancelled

Event cancelled