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Home > Forums > Socials & Events (The Social Scene)

Social Meet, If view match Friendship then SRSP

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Date start: 17.07.2015 Date END: 19.07.2015 Social Meet, If view match Friendship then SRSP.
We are PG. Single Female married unmarried and cp; most welcome. Single male do not disturb us Plz.

need address

I am interested to join the event
so tell me completely address fist
from jabalpurimg src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif"

need female partner

Hi I am single male ,is there any single female for part-time partner ?img src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif"

want to join meet

Hi I m singal male but I am also massage boy so please send mi address of meet . I m from nagpur itself

RE:Social Meet, If view match Friendship then SRSP

Hi I m singal male with skill of body massage so if there is any requirements for this kind of knowledge so pls call mi on meet and send mi ur add. I m from nagpur itself

RE:Social Meet, If view match Friendship then SRSP



hi dear,
this Saturday n Sunday I m at Nagpur... can we meet?
I m fair clr mature male from Bhopal....
how can contact to u?