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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

3 some

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Date start: 13.08.2015 Date END: 14.08.2015 Hopefully you have met my hubby on the 8th so now we will be having our 3 some? Please take a moment to read the profile - will be staying around CV34 6RE on 13th August If the profile interests and you would be available on the 8th of August if you have not met my hubby already to do so then I would love to hear from you .
Claire xxx

RE:3 some

love too...

RE:3 some

would love to!img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:3 some

I cant meet on 8th but will be free on 13th and would like to join in

RE:3 some

Love to be chosen for both