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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

threesome35's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 5 June 2015 if anyone is up for a meet tonight let me know

it's suitable for me but only on our place at our home in Coventry...welcome ??

We would like to meet with nice genuine woman at our house in Coventry this evening or tomorrow...just let me know if you are interested in will be great fun...

RE:it's suitable for me but only on our place at our home in Coventry...welcome ??

sorry i cant travel to coventry :(

RE:RE:it's suitable for me but only on our place at our home in Coventry...welcome ??

It's a pity...:-(

RE:threesome35's Quick Meet

must be able to accom


Hi! Wld lov 2 meet ,check me out if interested send me a shout, accomodation available.

RE:RE:threesome35's Quick Meet

Of course if I invite you I mean about accommodate...:-)

RE:threesome35's Quick Meet

Hi, i would love to meet you. Check me out and mesage me for more details. I am in manchester city center. Young muscled stud with high sex drive. I am avaialble at any time and can travel look forward to your message.