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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

petitefetish's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Tuesday, 26 May 2015 i want to fulfill my fantasy of drinking a glass of fresh warm cum, any guys can help out and are serious please message me

i like

I would like to be that guy, I'm much in videocaht, contact me

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

I'm available on Tuesday x

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

Where and when? Hot Kisses Xxxxx

RE:bukkake , sorting for weds in guadalmar, need more to attend , approx 8 pm.

I'd like to attend, if possible...

RE:RE:bukkake , sorting for weds in guadalmar, need more to attend , approx 8 pm.

For me perfect!! I'll go there!! Which part of Guadalmar?? Xxxxx

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

Event dates: Tuesday, 26 May 2015 i want to fulfill my fantasy of drinking a glass of fresh warm cum, any guys can help out and are serious please message me

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

yes big load ready where and when

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

Hiya, I can organise this for you, let's arrange a time to meet in the chat room and let me get some details so I can get it sorted.

RE:petitefetish's Quick Meet

just tell me what time & where, i will be there !