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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Fun Masti and Loads of Sex

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Date start: 16.05.2015 Date END: 17.05.2015 1. Full on Fun, Masti, Drinks, Dance and loads of Sex.....
2. Singles, Couple, Bg Gf all are invited.
3. Free Drinks snacks at my safe and discreet place.....

Singles male will be allowed only if approved by other members specially single girls and couple. No Camera or recording will be allowed. Phones will be switched off

1. No Touching without permission.
2. Dont Force for talking or intimacy else u will be asked to leave immediately.
3. U can have sex if other allows or u can just watch.

Double Penetration, Sucking, Boob Jobs, Gangbang, Lesbians, Gay, Ass Fucking, Exhibitionism, rimjobs all under one roof.

Let your wild animal come out and have full on fun full night.


Add me up.. and where pls pm me for details