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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

wife brithday

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Date start: 25.04.2015 Date END: 26.04.2015 hi all we are holding a party for the wife not a big party just a few peeps so if you would like to come and have some fun let us know bring our own drinks

RE:wife brithday

would love to come x

RE:wife brithday

hi guys i would love an invite to your wife's birthday. i live local so please message if your interested. regards chris

RE:wife brithday

hi guys i would love an invite to your wife's birthday. i live local so please message if your interested. regards chris

RE:wife brithday

Hi, I would love to come to this party, I'm invited?img src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

RE:RE:wife brithday

your not invited

RE:RE:wife brithday

your not invited

RE:wife brithday

If it's not too late I would like to be considered as a guest for your wife's birthday party.

birthday party

hi wow are you,i would like to be considered a guest or yor party