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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

peanut1982's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 15 April 2015; Thursday, 16 April 2015; Friday, 17 April 2015 anyone interested in a casual meet and take it from there

RE:peanut1982's Quick Meet

hii yes sure that will be loverly.. where will the meet be,???

RE:RE:peanut1982's Quick Meet

hi not sure, could suggest a restaurant that we could meet at and then see what happens from there. perhaps lets meet in the hot tub chat room this evening say 5.30pm and make a plan from there, if you are interested

RE:RE:peanut1982's Quick Meet

maybe catch a drink somewhere


hey Voltage, waited in the chat room for a while for you last night but didnt see you. But please look out for me in the chat room today and hopefully we can catch up and make a plan

any one still want to meet on this

I am available if any one still wants to meet