11:39 am Friday, 10th April, 2015
Hello all!! just want to know what is considered small, medium, large and of course to some of the more fortunate VERY LARGE (belonging to those whom were first in line when pricks were being handed out!!) I am when hard 16cm (6.3 inches) and all in proportion (meaning not as fat as a tree trunk, and no "pencil dick" either) now before you stop reading here .................yes it does not matter! motion of the ocean ......etc
1:41 pm Friday, 10th April, 2015
RE:Quick one concerning "package size for men" tongue in cheek of courseI too wondered about this, so I looked it up on the Internet. Nearly all the articles I read were in agreement. "Small" was up to 5.4 inches, "average" (=medium) from 5.5 inches up to 6.3 inches. Anything over was large, but few gave a "very large" measurement. When I completed my profile, the options were small, medium, "no complaints" and "large". Since none of the women I have been with complained or commented, I put "no complaints", but the site has changed things and "no complaints" changed to "large" and "large" to "very large". I am over 6.3 inches, so I left my profile unaltered. By far the vast majority of men are average, |
5:49 pm Friday, 10th April, 2015
RE:RE:Quick one concerning "package size for men" tongue in cheek of courseWell bowl me over .............dam I am right on the max for "medium" if only I had that extra 1cm........actually I like it just the way it is, and must say have not had any complaints..........yet!?
8:28 am Friday, 17th April, 2015
RE:RE:RE:Quick one concerning "package size for men" tongue in cheek of courseas beauty lies in eyes of beholder so does the size can be told by the pussies only .... i am being told as big , large ... and met couples for threesome and ladies enjoyed it a lot.
11:25 pm Tuesday, 8th September, 2015
RE:SizePH, yes, the self estimate and the self esteem is very much depending on the cultural environment; race, continent, culture, even down to local habits and subcultures.