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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May

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Date start: 23.05.2015 Date END: 24.05.2015 Party for couples, single ladies and trios. No single men.
All sexes and sexualities welcome.
No fees, just bring your own booze, we will provide a buffet.

RE:Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May

will come if more do


hello we are spanish couple and would like to assist if more info is provided
best regards

RE:Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May

from sarah1231s we would love to attend, we are new to Spain & the scene, this will be our first ever party so let the good times role ps as we only have a little knowledge of Spain can you please phone us giving us directions looking forward to hearing from you

RE:RE:Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May

we have 9 couples booked to attend so far.

RE:RE:Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May

we have 9 couples booked to attend so far.

RE:RE:Couples, Trios and Ladies Party 23rd May


Full details and guest list can be found on the party website at ddparties dot com.

We have 9 couples booked to attend so far.

Hope to see you next week

Jo & David


What time are you wanting your guests to arrive as it starts at 17.31 ? we will attend about 21.30 hours if ok.


are there any femalescouples like to go dogging. first time mature male.manchester area day or nightimg src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"