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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Rockstar841's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 11 April 2015 Orgy will be on the 24th April 2015 at 4 bedroom property in Kingston Details given to attendees once confirmedcannot be shared.

We can accomodate

Me and the missus would love to meet you. This website is usually full of talk and no action. However you may be action and talk? We live in a 4 bed house in Kingston near Richmond Park and exclusively available this Friday and Saturday only. Let me know and we can meet somewhere suitable for you to start with. Dates 03rd -4th April Day and evening.

quick meet

Hi how ye doing can anyone come.

RE:We can accomodate

I will be there address please

RE:Rockstar841's Quick Meet

Hi Both - would love to come and bring a buddy too

As you can see I have met lots of couples and singles on here so you can be sure I am genuine.

Get in touch if this appeals R xx

RE:We can accomodate

Me and my partner are new to this all we would like just to meet and see where it gos we live in Egham we have a real busy life with work and 6 kids but would love to try fun with enough couple

RE:We can accomodate

hi i am available this weekend. send me the address and i will be with you in an hr.img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:RE:We can accomodate

Only couple looking for we can't accomdate


I would like to come but I am just a single guy, is that OK? and how can I get details?