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andypaco's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 26 March 2015 hi there,were going out thursday night and would like to meet a couple for a drink, dance and if we all feel like if some adult fun

RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

Yes we are interested. Where you going too

RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

well be at cafebenidorm bout11pm....hope well see u there......kiss...xxximg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

I´m interested. Is the invitation open to single men?

RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

not this time universitario, thanks 4 ur interest

RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

find us at the bar at the bottom of the pub...kiss...xxx

RE:RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

We would love to meet up......But as we don't live in Benidorm we would be making a special trip. A special trip to meet a couple we have absolutely no idea what they look like?! Unfortunately we have been bitten too manys times with no shows and people who aren't what they say they are to make that commitment again without at least knowing what you look like. We are more than happy to exchange face pics with you.

RE:RE:RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

pls be at couples chat room after 2pm...sure well find a way 2 get some picts 2 u....kiss..xx

RE:RE:RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

ok beautyfull couple, we were at chat room but didnt see u round there, we dont have a way 2 send them picts 2 u, so nice having been in touch, maybe another time....all the best...kisses...xxx

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:andypaco's Quick Meet

Yes we were at work. Enjoy your night.