12:32 pm Tuesday, 17th March, 2015
These women have been using their vaginas as more of a storage facility than for what they’re actually made for.
6:25 pm Tuesday, 17th March, 2015
Blueberriesi can honestly say i quite fancy the breakfast idea...! ;) |
6:31 am Wednesday, 18th March, 2015
Chaz's insertions blog.Not a " foreign object in vagina " story but one which may amuse. I knew a lady some years ago, who worked in A & E in a North London Hospital. One day a guy came in with a vibrator jammed in his bum.It was duly removed but the nursing staff had a good giggle over the fact that he had arrived the hospital by bus.Not only that ,but the thing was still buzzing ( testimony to the efficacy of Duracell )
9:34 am Wednesday, 18th March, 2015
RE:Chaz's insertions blog.Haha thanks Fetch that gave me a good chuckle! |
1:46 pm Wednesday, 18th March, 2015
RE:Strange Uses For VaginasI agree with imhorny the brekky idea is quite hot. Id be up for trying that. |
1:46 pm Wednesday, 18th March, 2015
RE:Strange Uses For VaginasI agree with imhorny the brekky idea is quite hot. Id be up for trying that. |
5:29 am Thursday, 19th March, 2015
RE:RE:Chaz's insertions blog.Charles and Camilla had driven their Range Rover into the countryside and were sitting on the grass having a picnic and talking to the trees and plants. Suddenly, Camilla spotted an armed man in the distance coming toward them." Oh dear,Charles ! " she cried " I think he's coming to rob us.What shall we do ? " Charles replied " Quick Camilla, hide all your valuables and jewelry in your pussy ! ".. which she duly did. The man came up and said " Gimme all your valuables! of I'll shoot you! "
6:38 am Thursday, 19th March, 2015
750mlWe have a native living in my town, who was caught stealing a bottle of rum 750ml she had inserted it into her vagina and was trying to walk out the store.img src="imagesadultemoticons024.gif" |
2:05 pm Thursday, 19th March, 2015
'Rotating umbilicus syndrome'Is the medical parlance for 'vibrating items inserted rectally'.
9:21 am Monday, 23rd March, 2015
Big Dildos...I have always enjoyed the sight of women pushing huge dildos into themselves..... |
3:05 am Wednesday, 25th March, 2015
RE:Strange Uses For VaginasSome funny ass people |
11:23 pm Thursday, 26th March, 2015
somewhat of topicBut I used to work behind the meat counter at a well known supermarket. I continually had the urge to put my cock into the bacon slicer. One day the urge was just too much to resist. I couldn't help myself. I pulled down my pants and put it in. The manager found out, and it was pandemonium.