1:20 pm Monday, 16th March, 2015
A Japanese entrepreneur, Koichi Uchimara has created a ‘Girlfriend pillow’ called the ‘Ita-Supo’. The pillow emblazons the image of a woman (cartoon of course…) which is supposed to offer it’s user a bit of a loving chat when no-one else is there to give it. The pillow possesses sensors located within the breast and genital areas which will provoke a response such as “What if I start loving you more than I already do?” or “Hey that hurts!” depending on how hard these ‘sensitive bits' are touched. Pillow talk taken too far!
10:27 pm Monday, 16th March, 2015
RE:Scary Sex ToysThe tongue vibrator is a scary thought. I searched for it online and came up with the INS Super Tongue :-) And,...uhmmm, yes, it looks... well I would call the police if I saw that thing lying on the floor.
2:03 pm Tuesday, 17th March, 2015
RE:RE:Scary Sex ToysIt's horrible isn't it? Nightmarish.