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Usernames, More Important Than You Think!

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What do you consider important in another member’s profile for you to be interested? A lengthy description detailing as much about them as possible? A great profile picture which shows you exactly what you’re getting with them? How about a fantastic username? Chances are that usernames never appeared on your list of top priorities for checking out potential hook-up partners but you know what, they’re more important than you think!

A study into dating undertaken by researchers from Queen Mary University, London has uncovered that your dating site handle has a bigger influence on your chances of finding someone than what many would have thought. Usernames which start with a letter from the upper half of the alphabet (A-M) are viewed more than their lower-halved counterparts that start N onwards according to the results. So whilst a profile with a username beginning with Z could still be a winning one, the choice of that first letter may have a knock-on effect on the traffic coming to a profile.

This is most likely a no-brainer, but keywords in a name that could possibly conjure up a negative impression were detrimental to the interest in users’ profiles. ‘Lonely’ or ‘small’ are a couple of examples of words that could possibly . An amusing screen name or play on words was the best for standing out from others e.g. ‘YouveGotMale’ or ‘AddToShoppingCart’.

Whilst a username may not be the only reason for someone else contacting you, it could be the first step in convincing them. Afterall when a member is performing a search for members with hundreds of results, a username which stands out could at least get them onto your profile for a look, from there its up to your profile’s content!

If you want to check out the full story of this research, search ‘username online dating success’.

So what kind of usernames pull you in and what type can’t you stand?

RE:Usernames, More Important Than You Think!

True, I might be considering changing my Profile name after reading this post. And I actually agree with it because how can someone take you seriousely if your name would be like "kissMypussy" or "bigdick" or anything that can disguting or not real. No one will take you seriousely.