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Human Billboard For Porn

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Have you heard of Billy the Billboard? Billy is your average 34 year old man trying to support a family, except for one thing….he's a living, breathing advertisement for porn sites.

Billy legally changed his name to Hostgator Dotcom and for a price has been getting porn site logos inked onto himself. His face is covered in the names of x-rated sites and these logos have made him rather unemployable. In a bid to raise the money to laser the facial tattoos from his skin, he's now going to try and sell more space to companies on his arms, chest and legs!

Would you ever get an advertisement tattoo for money or is there no price that would make you do such a thing?

RE:Human Billboard For Porn

That sounds crazy and I certainly wouldn't have the bottle to do such a thing. All credit to him and his family!

RE:RE:Human Billboard For Porn


RE:Human Billboard For Porn

I probably would advertise beer or sportswear logos for big bucks.