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Gingered1979's Book Release: The Bed And The Bookcase

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Our member gingered1979, who is renowned for her thought-provoking and often sensual blogs on the site is releasing her own book! 'The Bed and The Bookcase' is available for pre-order from tomorrow on Amazon and will be released on Friday the 13th. The book is largely based on the content she creates within her blogs and is erotic, emotive and will have you enthralled from the beginning. Here's a couple of cheeky teasers for your enjoyment:

"I involuntarily open my thighs, my body offering itself up to be felt and explored. His hand touches the inside of my legs and then my groin I am sure I feel wet through the material. I am doing my best to hide my excitement. His gaze makes me flush. This may not be the first time he has seen me but it is the first time he has touched me. I momentarily forget my hand on his cock as his fingers brush over the elastic of my pants. Teasing. I do not think I can take much more of this. I can barely speak as I ask, ‘how much further’. There is no one about on the road we are almost alone, I reach over and still with my seatbelt on I unfasten his belt and slowly unzip his fly, watching his face as I make him aware of what I am going to do. I am impatient, I have waited too long. I brush my palm over his hardness, still one layer between us. I slide my cold hand into his black trunks. My hands always go cold when I am nervous. With the other hand I pull my dress up to my waist so he can see the stockings and my pants. It also makes it easier for me to move I then reach over and pull the elastic band of the trunks down releasing him into my hand. He gasps either with the feeling of my touch or because my hand is cold. I feel the car slow down as he does his best to concentrate on both the road and his pleasure. I undo my seatbelt and lean over towards him he moves his left arm to accommodate me. When I bend over his waist he then uses this hand to touch my backside feeling gently squeezing. His hand settles as I take the tip of his penis in my mouth gently with one hand I cup his balls and the other I place gently on his shaft."

"He kisses me and presses his hardness against my groin I feel him rubbing me and I know that he wants this as much as me. Hitching me up onto the bonnet I slide his trunks down from his waist so that I can see him hard in front of me I hold his shaft with my hand as we kiss. I slide my legs apart and as he leans over me I guide him in to me. Slowly at first, for despite my wetness and eagerness, I am still very tight. His hands caress my buttocks and I mimic his movements, placing my hands on his, I feel him moving deeper inside me, then withdrawing and I guide him into me. He is big, and I stretch to accommodate his girth. His lips are still on mine and our tongues mirror what the rest of our bodies are doing. With one swift thrust he is in me completely, possessing me, I bend my knees slightly resting my feet on the number plate to take him deeper still, to feel every inch inside me. It feels so good and with the tip of his cock rubbing against my cervix and his groin on my clit I cum hard, my screams muffled by his mouth. Still I grasp his buttocks and feel them clenching and moving faster as he also seeks release. I can feel him cum inside me and the warmth. I ask him not to move. Not yet. I am totally spent and wish to enjoy the moment. But not completely…I still want to feel him naked against me and get to know every inch before I am satisfied and know that I have quenched my thirst or no longer have an itch needing scratched."


Go Ginger! Best of luck with it.


Go Ginger, and good luck, please advise if you will have it translated into spanish.

Kisses from Spain

The Bed and the Bookcase-Book

Great achievement ms. Gingered, I just know this is going to be a hot one, looking forward to reading it in its entirityimg src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif" R.x

RE:Gingered1979's Book Release: The Bed And The Bookcase

img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"


not long to go ms.Gingered R.x