11:05 am Friday, 30th January, 2015
Just a couple of odd stories today that may make you clench a little or have to check that your genitals are still in your pants where they belong!
12:25 pm Friday, 30th January, 2015
Real storiesA medic pal of mine once related the story of a stint behind the reception desk at the med centre. Apparently a lady came in asking to see a doctor for an intimate problem. However when she took a seat on the hard plastic chairs, a strange buzzing sound ensued.
12:25 pm Friday, 30th January, 2015
Real storiesA medic pal of mine once related the story of a stint behind the reception desk at the med centre. Apparently a lady came in asking to see a doctor for an intimate problem. However when she took a seat on the hard plastic chairs, a strange buzzing sound ensued.
1:13 pm Friday, 30th January, 2015
RE:Real storiesAh cringe. I'm betting she may have had a bit more anal action than she'd anticipated from a doc and their latex glove to get it out! |
10:22 pm Friday, 30th January, 2015
Mobile phoneI remember reading about a Norwegian girl who set her mobile to vibrate and pushed it up her pus and then rang it with the landline. Needless to say the vibrations caused it to work its way further in and she couldn't retrieve it so ended up in hospital to have it removed. |
7:32 am Saturday, 31st January, 2015
RE:Ouch, Weird Real Stories From The World Of SexMy ex gf was a call taker for a UK ambulance service. She related a call from a very well-to-do woman who requested she "send an ambulance". When my ex explained that she couldn't just do that without knowing the nature of the problem, this plummy voiced churchgoer eventually admitted that she'd lost something inside her vagina. That's not al. She then volunteered that it was a statuette of Jesus, and that his arms were extended outwards!