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Fifty Shades of Hotel Stays

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In celebration of the highly anticipated Fifty Shades of Grey movie which is due to be released at cinemas this Valentines Day, you can experience the horniness as though you were actually Christian or Ana, (the main characters from the movie) thanks to a select few hotels around the world.

One of these fantastic establishments includes the Heathman Hotel in Oregon, USA which is actually one of the kinky couple's favourite rendezvous locations in the novel. In honour of the release of the movie, The Heathman is offering a few sexy package deals to entice lovers of the book to have their own Fifty Shades experience. For $7,500 ( £5000), enthusiasts will receive an authentic week-long adventure which includes being pampered in luxurious settings, plenty of wining and fine dining along with personalised tax-free shopping.

It's not just the Heathman offering a Fifty Shades experience though, The Edgewater in Washington is advertising a pricier package which includes a helicopter tour of Seattle, a day of driving round in an Audi R8 Spyder, champagne, aphrodisiac nibbles and a Kama Sutra book to give hotel stayers some inspiration for what to do in their hotel room.

There's even a hotel in Edinburgh, Scotland getting in on the action. Nira Caledonia is offering a deal which entitles you to your own personal butler who will fill up your bath with champagne for a cool £2,000…although for that amount we think we'd rather drink it!

RE:Fifty Shades of Hotel Stays

hey girl

RE:Fifty Shades of Hotel Stays
