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Playing your way to stronger PC muscles and better sex!

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Ladies who want tighter pelvic floor muscles everywhere will most likely rave over the newest creation in from China. Imagine playing a motion sensor video game much like the Wii, but instead of holding the controller in your hand you use it in your vagina!

This innovative fanny-controlled console will be known as The SKEA ( Smart Kegel Exercise Aid ) and the mock-up game for the system will be called Alice in Continent, Alice being the character which jumps and dodges obstacles in response to the tightening of the pelvic muscles around the controller. It looks a lot more exciting than the regular mundane squeeze and release women wishing to strengthen their PC muscles are meant to perform each day.

The long-term benefits of pelvic floor exercises are increased sensation for you and your partner during sex, better bladder control and preventing and controlling incontinence.

Is this something you would try to the ladies out there? Or would you consider ever buying your lady one of these?

RE:Playing your way to stronger PC muscles and better sex!

Definitely something I would try. Sounds like fun

RE:Playing your way to stronger PC muscles and better sex!

for sex i cnt keep my good figure