8:12 pm Thursday, 25th December, 2014
Date start: 28.12.2014 Date END: 29.12.2014 We are 2 couples already in line. Would love to include at least 1 eligible couple for a great fun time. Any couple interested, may like to contact.
3:20 pm Friday, 26th December, 2014
RE:Year End PartyPlease send us the event details.. we would also like to talk to you before confirming our presence.
9:13 pm Friday, 26th December, 2014
RE:Year EndPartyhey guys
11:42 pm Friday, 26th December, 2014
RE:Year End Partycan i also jion ur party if u allow a singel male |
3:51 pm Saturday, 27th December, 2014
Can GFBFs apply?If its in Karachi, I can try to bring my girl friend if you guys allow GFBF. |
11:08 pm Saturday, 27th December, 2014
Its is great to see such event plans here .We husband and wife love to attend the event . But for that we need to know the details about the place we have to reach and the time . We have to arrange babysitting for the children especially for the youngest son . thanks . Even if we do not manage to join , we wish you all FUN and Joy ...
6:45 am Tuesday, 30th December, 2014
Event cancelledEvent cancelled |