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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

FORFUN74's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Tuesday, 23 December 2014; Wednesday, 24 December 2014; Thursday, 25 December 2014; Friday, 26 December 2014; Tuesday, 6 January 2015 Hi all,
We will be in Kolkara till 8th Jan.If any couple from Kolkata want to meet us let us know.
Goldy and Megha

RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet


i am m 31 from kolkata.. well behaved, highly educated and well groomed... if you consider threesome .. i will be happy to accompany..



FORFUN74's Quick Meet


RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

There is no procedure. .it is not a party... We will have a chat ..and then meet...

RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

In Kolkata at where we will come 25th DEC for meet with u if u conform then we will be there

RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

would love to meet you guyz, check my profile :)

RE:RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

Hi Chk out my profile n if interested we may meet in kolkata accordingly...

would add super funn to ur sex life

hey...24 yr old..good looking single male here....have d stamina to go for long and the long and thick tool would add a lot to d fun.....can join u today..or anyday as we thing is for sure..its gonna be great fun and an encounter u will remember always!!

RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

Greetings to all of you.....

A well settled, highly qualified and secrecy assured male here who understand what dignity means for a person. I'm looking for good and healthy and also long term company of fun loving genuine couples and females including FUN (1 on 1 and 3some).

As I'm a verified member hence, I prefer Quality instead of Quantity.

Only genuine people are accepted, time waster and money seekers will be rejected immediately...

newbies on the block

hi were both from essex,were just looking to get into the scene,were a bi couple looki fun,i like to b the giver in the bedroom & also suck cock,my partner is dieing to see me fuck a guy so she can lay underneath & watch,lick & suck my cock as it fucks you,she wants to suck your cock while im fucking her,if your up for a chat & see how it gos just contact us.................chit chat soon

RE:FORFUN74's Quick Meet

Helloo.. I am 22 male..from kolkata.. I wanna meet up.. I am clean..Want to have safe sex.. Can we meet up..?? U can see my cock pics in my profile.. I will shave if u u like..


We r recently married couple. M28 F26. We are looking to start couple to couple relation. This would be our first time. We want some soft fun initially at a public place like millennium park and then we can take it to any extent based on everybodys wish. For first soft fun we will be going to millennium park this weekend. Geuine real interested couple mail us. I want others to enjoy my wife with my knowledge or without my knowledge and I want to enjoy with others wife. Then we can have a group gangbang. Please respond


We can join you