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Criminal Record for Loud Sex!

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Loud sex is a rather normal thing that lots of people enjoy once in a while. However if your neighbour was that noisy that they were constantly drowning out the sound of your television or keeping you up with their high decibel promiscuousness, would you be forgiving and maybe even join in or would the need for peace and sleep take over?

UK woman, Caroline Cartwright has received an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) for the noise she claims that she has no idea she is creating whilst in the throes of passion. She has tried having her fun with husband Steve in the morning as opposed to night time in a bid to minimise chances of waking her neighbours up. Despite her efforts they claim that she is still unnecessarily loud creating unnatural noise pollution.

Not only has her loud love-making landed her a criminal record but also a two month suspended prison sentence! She was in the news back in 2009 after finding herself in trouble but has now reappeared due to receiving the ASBO and claims that she will never stop having loud sex.

Have you ever had particularly noisy neighbours who enjoyed full-volume bedroom antics? Has it ever landed them in your bad books? Or perhaps you yourself have been in hot water after some rather loud lust?