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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Swinging Party

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Date start: 19.12.2014 Date END: 20.12.2014 Hi Swinging Couples and Hot Ladies,

Its the End of 2014, so it time to release your stress and have some good fun for all your organs of your body.
Only Cpls and Ladies are invited. NO SINGLE GUYS.
If you guys are interest, pls do inbox me your details, we will select very few ppl for this. Trust + Decent + Clean + Safe is the game. we will select and send you an invitation with all the details.

RE:Swinging Party

send me details

RE:Swinging Party

I am a Dr working in a colombo hospital age 42 yet young looking like to join u pl reply

my offer

Can i join your party i'm singel guy but I need introduced my massage i'll offre free massage in this party and i'll offer 3 gift vouchers 6 month free massage... i'm Dan beauty therapist my