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Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

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Have you ever been in trouble with the police due to your sexual antics? E.g. being caught outside or making too much noise?

trubble sex

I never had law or police problems for my style life, but here in Uganda people take sex like tabu. Then if they find some open minded couple or person, we can read everything in the news paper even in television. For this reason is not easy find someone with same pleasures in this country

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?


Not in trouble

Late teen`s. Parked up in a dead end country lane ( not my normal car) Just at the point of no return when head light`s swing in the lane and came right to the rear of the car. The car door open`s and a helmeted head came in and shone a flashlight in my startled face. (conversation one way) Oh it`s you! don`t throw your rubbish out the window when your done. Sadly that was an old school country booby. You dont find them any more, but people say life has improved !

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your

no never am a good girl I am

no but, i want

no but, I want :)))

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?



Me? No! The police only took HIS details.....

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

NO, never

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

no, very discreet

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

Not even once got into bothered with law about my sexual habits. img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

yes when i was a teenager, i used to masterbate at my local bus station in the evening,when the girls were going home,and yes i got taken away by the police and given a warning.
Im a lot more careful these days i still enjoy the thrill out doors.

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

Yes at a fancy dress i was dressed as a cave man she was a school girl.walking home we decided to have sex against a wall a winters night she had a long coat over her short skirt so i opened it pulled her g string aside and lifted my bear skin and fucked her hard, next thing this police car pulls up i slip out quickly.policeman accused us of having sex which he could not prove unless he felt her wet pussy we denied it and said we were just kissing as her coat covered her.He left with a red face , i always wondered if he saw my cum over her coat.img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

RE:Have you ever..been in trouble with the law because of your sex life?

Yes, twice. Both times when I had been at the Wisley 'dogging etc' Car Park.

First time, years ago, I was sitting and just talking in my car with another TV, when the Police arrived and saw the two of us together. The other TV calmly got out and walked back to hisher car. I made the mistake of driving off. I was followed, pulled over, and details taken during an 'interrogation'. Nothing came of that.

Earlier this year, after leaving Wisley, I drove around the county town to just enjoy the sensation. Then I headed back home, via a back route to let my dog off.

As I arrived back on the main road and turned into the B-road that led to my house, a police car followed me and pulled me over just outside my own house. I was told that a CCTV camera had spotted erratic driving of my vehicle, total nonsense ... I believe that they saw a TV and got my address from my Licence Plate. I was 'invited' to take a breath test, and of course, I accepted. Then the Police had to call for another Police car WITH a breathalyser - and the result was 0% alcohol. The Police then departed, having had me stand, en femme, outside my house for about an hour on a cold night.

Surrey Police have been instructed to respect the LGBT Community by the new female Chief Constable - so they let Wisley Car Park alone, except to get rid of the kids who cause hassle. But anywhere else, and you are 'fair game' to any Copper.