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Which of these two would you rather try out, sex in a swimming pool or on a sex swing?

Would you rather

I just love it anywhere.

RE:Would you rather..?

The sex swing would be a good choice

Preferral sex

Sex in a swimming pool is out of this world because from just being wet, you are warmly wet when you enter your lady partner. There is no real weight to be carried because the water helps relieve the weight of the partner and this can work both ways. Go on and try it yourself! I and my wife would get into the pool she would leave her top on and away we would go shagging softly & gently at the beginning and then as she became really aroused we would sort of slosh the water around until the climax. Roy.

RE:Would you rather..?

Which of these two would you rather try out, sex in a swimming pool or on a sex swing?
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RE:Would you rather..?

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RE:Would you rather..?

swimming pool img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"

RE:Would you rather..?

I have had some fantastic sex in a swimming pool but good oral is rather difficult:)

RE:Would you rather..?

Either is good and both experience but enjoying a lady on a swing is an experience img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

RE:Would you rather..?

I'd go for the swing! The water in the pool would wash off too much of the lube :o(

RE:Would you rather..?

I would like to have oral and hot fuck in A swimming pool.
I think it would be fun Licking A woman out and being sucked off in A pool and having A good hot fuck and watching spunk float to the top and get the woman to swallow it all.

RE:Would you rather..?

I would like to have oral and hot fuck in A swimming pool.
I think it would be fun Licking A woman out and being sucked off in A pool and having A good hot fuck and watching spunk float to the top and get the woman to swallow it all.

RE. Would you rather..?

Having experienced both, I have to say the love swing is great fun, as you can position the height to make her pussy just right, so that if you position yourself pushing slightly forward standing up and rock your hips forward a fraction, she slides along your cock and then her weight brings her back down your shaft and so you have a weightless fuck that is incredible. You can then touch and kiss her anywhere without any need for elbows or knees, lol. It is kinda lazy, but it does mean that lots of play with her clit at the same time can make her cum many times, do it right and she will squirt all over you every time without fail.
As regarding the pool, it is a fantastic feeling with the water, especially in a jacuzzi, but even better is in the sea with the waves nearly drowning you and trying not to float off, making it really good fun, lol.
Beware though, I found that when the sea is very still, everyone can see you fucking and when we walked out of the sea, we were given an ovation from the other sunbathers, lol.
Whatever way though is great as long as you enjoy the experiences. Happy fucking. x

RE: Would you rather...?

I'd love to try both

RE:Would you rather..?


RE:Would you rather..?

We prefer Sex Swing!! Just bought one for home

RE:Would you rather..?


RE:Would you rather..?

We have enjoyed both. But the swing is much more satisfieing

sex swing

I have enjoyed using the sex swing in a gay sauna enjoying the right height for entering the warm slippery orifice and the movement on my hard on and my hands are free to play xxx