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Date start: 07.12.2014 Date END: 07.12.2014 Laid back meet at our place, small group, drink and then some adult fun.

Free event?

How much is this event?


how much is it and can u give direction from ap7

Tell me more about the party

How much to pay and some details, gracias,

Tell me more about the party

How much to pay and some details, gracias,

Single males

I would like to join, but as a single will I be able to?
Also how much do you charge

Single males

I would like to join, but as a single will I be able to?
Also how much do you charge

Single males

I would like to join, but as a single will I be able to?
Also how much do you charge

everyones question

is there any like to meet but......where?img src="imagesadultemoticons014.gif"


CanI join you. Pleaseimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif"


we still dont know where to meet, would go if we get an answer............kisssimg src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"


Hi. it's Villamartin, near the plaza.



Date start: 07.12.2014 Date END: 07.12.2014 Laid back meet at our place, small group, drink and then some adult fun. The party is free, just bring a bottle


me gustaría saber algo más sobre la fiesta


Hi, I am very close, by Torrevieja, I would like to meet..... where exacly and when is it taken place?


what time and where can I meet you? please find me in Spanish chat


Hi, we would be very interested in coming along would be our first swinging party. Ana doesn't speak English would that be a problem?


Hi, sent you a mail x

re, re,re,re, party

Would love to cum to this party....please give us an address and BTW is it free? bit confused?...img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

RE:friday meet up in benidorm

Friday 22:00 3. couples in benidorm hotel la marina, and you?
hope in the statues of famous beatles :)


Hello we`d like to attend , how can we get information about it ?


please can you post a time and meeting place as would love to come


please can you post time and meeting point or drop me a line img src='imagesadultemoticons030.gif'


Hi again
Hav'nt had a reply re your party yet. Is it still on? If on can you message me details if not or you don't want me also message me.


Hi again
Hav'nt had a reply re your party yet. Is it still on? If on can you message me details if not or you don't want me also message me.

Villamartin Plaza

Which level?
Which bar?


hi we are a couple and live in san luis. we would love to come to your party. if we are accepted could you leave address many thanks

friday meet up in benidorm

titanic bar benidorm Friday 22:00 tree. couples in benidorm- hotel la marina, and you?img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

Event cancelled

Event cancelled