10:35 am Wednesday, 26th November, 2014
Hugh Hefner is the founder of the Playboy magazine and now infamous brand with merchandise in every genre of product imaginable. He lives the life that men the world over could only dream of getting a sniff of in his luxurious mansion with his harem of attractive ladies. Star-studded parties where the people wear little clothes as well as even less inhibitions are held within the grounds and things there are pretty fantastic so it seems.
8:14 pm Friday, 28th November, 2014
RE:Playboy Mansion: What Really Goes On Behind Closed DoorsSleazy is the word that comes to mind. Having said that these bunnies aint there for his body are they? Its the "pocket money" and boy do they have to earn it. Kendra was 18 straight out of high school, and being the deviant that she is she saw a way of living the high life without working, but it seems it wasnt all it appears to be with grubby living conditions, which basically means no one cleaned up so they all lived in a hovel. Shame some females dont have any respect for themselves and sell theirselves for "pocket money". As for Hugh, money buys you everything and thats what he does...buys their company, pretty sad really at his age |
7:13 am Thursday, 4th December, 2014
RE:RE:Playboy Mansion: What Really Goes On Behind Closed Doorsi amI am intrested in |
7:15 am Thursday, 4th December, 2014
RE:RE:Playboy Mansion: What Really Goes On Behind Closed Doorsi amI am intrested in |
10:27 am Friday, 5th December, 2014
Money cant't buy you love ...that's waht the Beatles told us. |