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Got a bit of extra weight to lose? Pounding the treadmill is pretty damn boring and that nightly swim after work doesn't seem to be doing a thing to your belly fat. You've tried personal trainers and they were just far too nice if you didn't last 5 minutes on the cross trainer or couldn't finish that tenth push-up. Imagine getting a good spank with a riding crop and being told you are pathetic whilst working out.

Well this is exactly what 'Slavercise' is for! Get fit whilst being slave to a leather-clad Mistress who is shouting commands at you. These are effectively your standard workout classes filled with plenty of cardio and muscle-testing exercises, the only difference is you have a rather bossy Mistress giving your class. Does this sound like your kind of thing? Or would you rather take your chances with your gym and a bit of 'sexercise'?


I do prefer sexercise !


Love the idea .. Maybe I might actually do the class with some effort .. Or I could fail because I'd like the spanking to much ????????

PLEASE let me :)

Short5 ft 3, not out of shape, slim, white, blonde, blue eyes, SP, torso and face shaved.


Please let me :)

Short5 ft 3, White, not out shapeslim, face and torso shaven, SP, blonde, blue eyes.