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Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

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Have you ever had sex on a running washing machine? If so, did you enjoy it more than average non-vibrating sex?

RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Yes unfortunately the shop manager wasnt too chuffed it was the managers special

RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Yes unfortunately the shop manager wasnt too chuffed it was the managers special

RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Yes unfortunately the shop manager wasnt too chuffed it was the managers special

RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Yes with my ex wife, then she used her rabbit on herself

London Dec 5th

Any couples or bi females about in London on the 5th of December for drinks and maybe more;) .

RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex


RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Can't say that we have. Just too high for hubby to reach and laying on top would be just a bit too uncomfortable. If you have done it, more power to

RE:RE:Have you ever? Washing Machine Sex

Get a ladder Mate, even a step stool works. Just let the machine do the work and all you have to do is add a little rocking motion to send her climbing and squirting.