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keeping it all in

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my partner and i have recently become interested in swinging (d'oh- why else would you be here i hear you cry!) but we're finding it very hard that nobody we know is on our wavelength and there is nobody that either of us know with whom we can discuss what we get up to. Does anybody else find that it is difficult to find like minded people in their everyday life with whom they can share details of what they gat up to without fear of rejection by them?

Re: keeping it all in

only sure way is to bump into someone u know ,getting up to mischief in a club
other than that things r to open to being misread- people might think they can take liberties!!!!!!!!!!

Re: keeping it all in

That's the way it is guys, the only people you can share your swinger thoughts with are other swingers.
Mind you, it is possible to stop people in the high street and tell them what you get up to, LOL.
Enjoy what you do.