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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

jakejames1's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 31 October 2014 couple looking for young fit male or female
for 3 sum fun in bristol on friday
mf bi or bi cur couples would be enen more fun

Friday meet

Hi I am interested to meet just let me know if it still going ahead


yes it is send her a few pics please

you can't rrceiv anymore messages for today

I did but you don't seem to be able to receive anymore message till tomorrow mate

RE:jakejames1's Quick Meet

Hi Im in Bristol in a hotel tonight (Thursday), right in the centre if that's of interest? Will also be here on Friday morning and would be very interested in joining. What do you think?

RE:RE:jakejames1's Quick Meet

Lol well hopefully 30 still classes as young! Just wondering if you'd be interested?