10:24 pm Wednesday, 29th October, 2014
Event dates: Friday, 31 October 2014 couple looking for young fit male or female
11:03 pm Wednesday, 29th October, 2014
Friday meetHi I am interested to meet just let me know if it still going ahead |
11:18 pm Wednesday, 29th October, 2014
hiyes it is send her a few pics please |
11:37 pm Wednesday, 29th October, 2014
you can't rrceiv anymore messages for todayI did but you don't seem to be able to receive anymore message till tomorrow mate |
3:07 pm Thursday, 30th October, 2014
RE:jakejames1's Quick MeetHi Im in Bristol in a hotel tonight (Thursday), right in the centre if that's of interest? Will also be here on Friday morning and would be very interested in joining. What do you think? |
5:43 pm Thursday, 30th October, 2014
RE:RE:jakejames1's Quick MeetLol well hopefully 30 still classes as young! Just wondering if you'd be interested? |